
ten things tuesday

Ten random things:

1) My students are working together to answer a writing prompt. It's an interesting experiment for me. They seem to be working well together and everyone is being productive. I even let them choose their own partners.

2) My Pennsylvania niece gave birth to a wonderfully healthy baby boy, Eli Joseph. Welcome to the world, little one, much love awaits you!

3) Tomorrow, my sophomore classes are going to a career fair. I will essentially have the morning off--just one class.

4) I need to visit my hair goddess. Soon.

5) I need a manicure--fortunately, it's tomorrow.

6) I have got to get organized and plan a personal day. I don't want the year to slip away without me taking the days off. It's so hard to plan for a substitute, though. I work harder to not be here than I do when I am here.

7) I need to get serious about editing the video I made for my Habits of Mind class project. It's due in May but I want to have my presentation done well before the deadline. I think I've got one more chapter to read in the text, maybe I should get that done tomorrow morning when I'm without students.

8) I've knit three hats in the past week. I have recipients in mind but they might end up going to Planet Head Day.

9) I just realized that this is the final day of March.

10) Grades close Friday and I am almost on top of all the correcting. It's manageable amounts.


Terri D said...

Good for you on #10! Good for the manicure! Hope you get in to your 'hair goddess' soon! Fun post!

The Gal Herself said...

Are you worried about April Fool's Day pranks at school?