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Do you ever weed out unwanted books from your library? And if so, what do you do with them?
Now that I have a Nook, I don't need to weed out my books as I used to with physical books. I would pass them along to my sisters or to my friends and tell them to keep passing the books along. I don't know what would happen to them after that.
Actually, that's what I miss most about using an e-reader: it's hard to lend books!
I agree....but I wouldn't go back to 'real' books for anything!
I have a Kindle, but I do have some paper books. Awhile back, I moved and did need to get rid of the books that i just didn't like and knew i would never pick them up again. I gave some to my mom and donated the rest to Goodwill.
I'm with you, Paula, I have a really hard time reading a physical book now that I've moved to ereaders.
I lend a lot of books to friends and you're right, it's hard to lend books from an e-reader! It's certainly easier to delete the ones I don't like!
My answer is here: 2 Kids and Tired Books BTT
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