
musing mondays

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• Question: Do you write in your books? Highlight? Make notes? Or do you like to keep your copies as pristine as possible?”  {source}

If it's a text for school I will probably mark with post-it flags and maybe write in pencil. But I don't write in pen in my books. And it's funny because when I was in college, I always tried to find used texts that were well-marked.


Paula said...

I would DIE if someone wrote in a book. I like them pristine

JC Jones said...

I only mark books I use for reference. Other I use makers and bookmarks.

Anonymous said...

I was just the opposite in college--I always tried to find used textbooks that were as clean as possible so I could do all my own highlighting!

Anonymous said...

I like my books to look like new even when read but when I was studying I annotated away but in my mind that is a different kind of reading. I have one friend who I lend books to (I know I can trust her) but have found little notepaper in the book where she has been making notes which breaches the gap nicely.

Anonymous said...

I keep mine as clean as possible!! Especially when studying. (No notes, no highlighting increases the resale value of a textbook.)

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I keep mine pristine. In college I used to hate buying used books but did it and tried to find the ones with the least notes. I considered notes and highlighting distracting because no two people think alike anyway.

Anonymous said...

I don't write in books, but I love the highlight feature on the Kindle. I used to highlight and write in the margins in my college textbooks.