
march madness

March 11: Other than money, what is in your wallet?

A pen, two loyalty reward cards, my library card and four receipts. Nothing glamorous. I do have a significant amount of quarters I've been hoarding for laundry day--but they're money so they don't count.


Unknown said...

my stash is pretty boring, too.

Paula said...

I haven't thought of my library card in a long time. Haven't checked out a book since I received my Nook color for Christmas a few years ago. Might need to go look for the latest Patterson or Piccoult book. I don't buy books on my nook unless I am really really into wanting to read it right now. There are so many free ones.

Kwizgiver said...

Do you ever borrow library books for your Nook?

The Gal Herself said...

QUARTERS! It's *pathetic* how much time I spend thinking about them. It's the curse of having used coin operated washers and dryers over the last 30 years.