
it's an honor to be nominated...

So... somehow or other, I have been nominated to be a County Teacher Of The Year, which is a precursor for the Maine Teacher of the Year. I'm puzzled and flattered. Really flattered. And really puzzled. How would they expect candidates to pull all the materials together in one week? I can't possibly write a resume and two essays, as well as impose on people to write letters of recommendation in just a few days. I gave it a "Thanks, but no thanks."


Cristy S said...

That is awesome! Congratulations. I agree a week is not enough for all that work on top of still teaching.

Paula said...

Well it's the thought that counts!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Somebody loves you. Maybe a LOT of somebodies! A week to get all that together? Is this somehow related to a Wonder woman contest being held somewhere else?

The Gal Herself said...

Take a bow and enjoy the recognition. We're proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the nomination!