
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: Cupid's Questions Meme

1.)Do you like Valentine's Day? I'm actually rather ambivalent about it
2.)Are you going to celebrate it? not intentionally
3.)Celebrate Valentine's Day with Friends or someone Special? friends
4.)Pink or red? I like shades of both
5.)Candy Hearts OR cards? cards
6.)A short kiss or a big hug? big hug
7.)What are your plans for V-day? it's always quite a day at school, especially with the carnations (of doom) which are an annual fundraiser
8.)What would be the best gift to receive? undivided attention
9.)Would get back with any of your ex's for V-day? probably not
10.)Is there a food or beverage you associate with V-day? conversation hearts
11.) What are your thoughts on "Love at first sight"? more like "recognition" at first sight--that you recognize something special about the other person
12.)Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? yes
13.) If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating or relationships what would it be? take a chance occasionally


CountryDew said...

I wish I had taken more chances. Now I think I'm probably too old. Regrets, I have a few!

I am Harriet said...

I'm sending you a big hug for valentines day :)

The Gal Herself said...

Good for you for taking on Valentine's Day in meme-land. It's not the most popular holiday, but you can't ignore it, either.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Carnations of Doom? That sounds like blog post material.

Hugs for Valentine's Day. Yes, it's not a happy day for lots and lots of people, including my family. I think it should just go away.

Stacy said...

Love that "not intentionally" answer for are you celebrating. Maybe you will accidentally fall into it. :)