
rather random

How old were you when you had your first kiss? my first romantic kiss was when I was a freshman in high school

If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? U2

What color looks best on you? brown, green, light blue

Name three facts about your family? we are musical, we would love to live in a compound, we have crazy inside jokes

What’s the best thing you can cook? lasagna

If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you? nope

If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral? One by U2

Favorite holiday dish? mashed potatoes

Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? sure

Favorite kind of soup? potato

What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received? a tote bag

Are you currently in love with someone? unrequited love for George

Would you ever become a vegan? no

What’s your favorite hot beverage? hot cocoa

For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for? chocolate cake with either peanut butter frosting or chocolate frosting

Do you like going on airplanes? yes, although I haven't since before 9/11

Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? I play some percussive instruments

Who was your best friend when you were six years old? Lisa Marquis

What color was your childhood home? green and white

Starbucks order? not a regular at Starbucks but I love iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts

Do you like where you’re from? yes

What was your favorite book as a child? I liked the Laura Ingalls Wilder series

What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? a recurring dream about being bludgeoned to death

Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? wrap presents

Favorite kind of candy? chocolate stuff

Would you rather be cold or hot? cold, although this weather is insane and no one likes it

Do you listen to what’s on the radio? occasionally

Do you like when it rains? if it's not heavy rain with a lot of wind

What’s a movie you cried while watching? Four Weddings and a Funeral

Do you think you’re important? of course!


Lisa G said...

I sooooo miss Dunkin Donuts iced coffee--the closest Dunkin to me is 45 minutes away down in Albuquerque somewhere. *sigh* I need to start a writing campaign to have one open here in Rio Rancho!!

Cat. said...

Swiped and finished on my blog. ;-)

Cristy S said...

I love wrapping presents. It's one of my favorite things to do. My favorite books as a child were the Laura Ingalls Wilder series too. I would rather be cold, you can always layer.

Cristy S said...

I love wrapping presents. It's one of my favorite things to do. My favorite books as a child were the Laura Ingalls Wilder series too. I would rather be cold, you can always layer.