• Question: Have your reading habits changed since you were a child? (I mean, I’m assuming you have less time to read now, but …) Did you devour and absorb books when you were 10 and only just lightly read them now? Did you re-read frequently as a child but now only read new books? How about types of books? Do you find yourself still attracted to the kinds of books you read when you were a kid?” {source}
I think I read more now than when I was younger, even ten years ago. I used to re-read some series books, like the Trixie Belden books, and I don't now re-read. I still like mysteries, which was my favorite genre as a kid--but I don't read as many now; although, when I get drawn into a series, I obsessively read the series. So, maybe I do have the reading habits I developed as a kid. I sure loved reading then and I do now, too!
I read a variety of genres, back when I was younger I just read what I could get my hands on. Mostly from the school library. I guess that is why I still read more than one genre. Variety adds spice to your life, like the old saying goes....
I think I read more of a variety now than when I was younger. I used to get completely into series books--Little House, Bobbsey Twins, etc and would read and reread them. As I got older, I branched out more--and now I read a lot in a lot of different genres. The common link is that I've always read A LOT.
I think I have a lot of the same habits. I still read like crazy, though now I have an actual income I don't have to reread books unless I want to. I can just jump on Amazon and buy a new Kindle book, or jump in my car and go to the library.
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