
saturday 9

Potential New Boyfriend

1) In this song, Dolly Parton locks eyes with a definite maybe. What's the first thing that attracts you to a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend? If you're currently in a relationship, what first attracted you to your partner? their presence--how they fill the space they're in

2) When Dolly was still a very young girl, she met Johnny Cash, who told her to follow her instincts and pursue a music career. Obviously this worked out very well for her. What's the best advice you ever received? "Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom" (especially when traveling)

3) Dolly enjoys telling interviewers how she met her husband at the Wishy-Washy Laundromat in Nashville. Do you have a load of dirty clothes, or some other household chore, waiting for you after you finish this week's Saturday 9? I am getting mentally prepared to go to the laundromat

4) Dolly's Imagination Library is a charity devoted to children's literacy. What book did you enjoy as a kid? Or, if you're a parent, what book did you enjoy sharing with your own children? Oh, I was an avid reader as a kid, I loved every book! I particularly remember reading Curious George books.

5) Dolly's theme park, Dollywood, is a very popular vacation destination. When you have time off, would you rather travel or have friends/relatives visit you? I would rather travel

6) Dolly is godmother to Miley Cyrus. If you could advise Miley, what would you say? I would say... don't try so hard

7) Dolly has earned a reputation for being very warm and friendly to the public. Have you ever had a celebrity encounter? I was host to Stephen King when he was on my college campus--he was very personable and even invited me to a party at his home

8) As you can see by the photo, this song was originally released on vinyl. Do you still have any old-school LPs or 45s? I no longer have any vinyl

9) Sam simply cannot stand Dish TV's Hopper commercial, where hysterical grown men hide under the bed and up in a tree house because they're afraid of ... something. What commercial just bugs the beejeesus out of you? oh lord... there are too many to list


Diana_CT said...

So did you go?

That was like when genesis was Genesis just starting out and they played on campus. There were on about 50 people in audience and Peter Gabriel invited every to party with them. I went back to my room to study and I kicked myself every time I hear his songs on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Interesting answer to #1--I'm going to think about that one.
And yes--did you go to Stephen King's party???

The Gal Herself said...

I'd love to talk to Stephen King. He's written some fascinating female characters (Carrie, Delores Claiborne). I'd ask him about that.

I am Harriet said...

You are much nicer to Miley than I could ever be...

Paula said...

My advice to Miley Cyrus would be to enjoy it while you can. Youth goes by so fast. Don't allow others to judge you. We all did some stupid things in our youth!