
friday 5

  1. How do you like to be treated when you’re feeling really sick?
  2. I want to be left alone, for the most part
  3. What’s something you do when you’re really sick that doesn’t make any sense or defies conventional wisdom?
  4. I don't eat much--I can never remember if it's "starve a cold, feed a fever" or "feed a cold, starve a fever"
  5. When was the last time you were out of commission for an extended time?
  6. extended time? probably when I had my wisdom teeth out last November
  7. What’s the most unusual diagnosis you’ve had for an illness, if you don’t mind my asking?
  8. pulmonary emboli
  9. When you feel you’re about to come down with something awful, what steps do you take to beat it back?
  10. I get lots and lots of rest


Anonymous said...

When I was young and was sick, my mom always let me eat whatever I wanted. She said that when you're sick, your body lets you know what it needs. I still practice that now--and it seems to work for me!

Paula said...

EEk a pulmonary embolism! Scary! I like to be left alone when I don't feel well too.