
saturday 9

Band On The Run

1) This song is about a band of musicians that escapes on an adventure. Do you consider yourself spontaneous and adventurous? once I'm out of the house, yes, I'm usually up for anything--sometimes it is hard to pry me out of the house, though

2) Paul McCartney and Wings traveled all the way to Lagos, Nigeria, to record Band on the Run. That's a long, long way from London. What's the farthest from home you've ever been? geographically it's either California or The Netherlands or Aruba

3) Wings featured Linda McCartney on keyboards. Paul said that when Linda died, after almost 30 years together, he lost the love of his life. Who is the love of your life? Or have you yet to meet him/her? the love of my life--he was my best friend and it was an intense relationship for about ten years.

4) Paul has said he's very proud of Band on the Run, his most successful post-Beatles album. Brag a little. Tell us something you're proud of. I am proud that I am a well-respected and popular teacher at my school.

5) Paul's birth certificate reads "James Paul McCartney." He's named for his father, Jim. Are you named after anyone? my first name is after my mother's mother and my middle name is after my father's father

6) Paul enjoys oil painting in his spare time. What's one of your hobbies? knitting and reading--although not usually at the same time

7) 20 Forthlin Road, Paul McCartney's boyhood home, has been turned into a museum by the British government. It's a modest 2 bedroom cottage, with a drainpipe that Paul used to climb to sneak in after curfew. How would you describe your childhood home? when I hang out at Dad's today, I can't imagine how six people piled into that house--we shared the three bedrooms and one bathroom

8) Paul is 5'11". How tall are you? I believe I am shrinking. I was 5'6" but I am now 5'5" on a good day.

9) Actor Christopher Lee is on the album cover. He played Dracula in a series of movies in the 1950s and 1960s. Who is your favorite vampire? Count--from Sesame Street!


Diana_CT said...

That is my problem, getting motivated to get out of the house. I was thinking about going to a folk festival today but I fear being in crowds alone.

The Gal Herself said...

There was something heartbreaking about your rather simple answer to #3. Your dad's house -- all those sisters and ONE BATHROOM? Yikes!

katie eggeman said...

We only had one bathroom in the 50's, but Mom and Dad added another after I left. I have to make specific plans to get mr BC out of the house.

K Dubs said...

Get out of the house! Go! Get up!
I always told people I was 5'5", but I think I'm really 5'4 1/2" LOL :D

I am Harriet said...

ah ah ah ah..(that is the Count from Sesame Street's laugh)