

8/2 Today I had a marvelous time shopping for yummy yarn for a hat I want to make. The yarn shop is closing it's physical store and going to online orders only so it was a bittersweet browse through the different yarns and colors.

Then I went to my favorite cafe for lunch with a dear friend and we made back-to-school shopping plans for next week.

I don't even mind that it is raining, it's such a delightful day.


The Gal Herself said...

I think it's cool that you described the yarn as "yummy." I'm imagining a pastel, sherbet-y color. Am I right?

Unknown said...

Good. delightful days are something we all need more of.

Paula said...

My mom was a big knitter and I used to love to go shopping with her when she was buying yarn. Just to stand before all of those colors was amazing. It is raining here in Kansas as well...I am tired of it

Lisa G said...

Speaking of knitting--I ran across this item this morning and just HAD to send it to you!

Knitting at sea

Ah, the joys of a week at sea: the views, the dining, the entertainment and…the knitting? AmaWaterways, a river cruise line, is taking themed cruising in a whole new direction with a Knitting New Year’s Cruise, a journey along Europe’s Danube that is slated for Dec. 27, 2014-Jan.2, 2015. Hosted by textile expert Barry Klein of Trendsetter Yarns in Los Angeles, the trip “will bring together a community of knitters and give them opportunities to learn new techniques, find inspiration for new projects, and show off their personal style and creativity,” the cruise line says. But this isn't your grandmother’s knitting club, AmaWaterways adds: Knitting has indeed become a hipster fad, and the cruise line says it intends to tap into “a renaissance of cool.”

Cristy S said...

Sounds quite relaxing. Sorry about your yarn store though. Often times things look so different in person compared to a computer screen.