Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Here goes:
- I am right handed.
- I often don't find comedy movies funny.
- Lunch is often the biggest meal I eat all day.
- I don't eat after 6 pm. Especially snacking.
- This summer I would like to go to some Maine festivals (LobsterFest, BlueberryFest)
- I actually considered getting a spray tan recently.
- I met half my reading goal for the year. I'm on track!
- I've been getting a massage on the last day of school for a few years. Unfortunately, I won't be getting one this year because the salon I go to will be without a masseuse then. I thought about going someplace else... but I already booked a mani/pedi for that afternoon. An alternate good way to kick off vacation.
- I haven't had a glass of milk to drink in about 35 or so years.
- But I love cheese.
- And ice cream.
- Sometimes I have a hard time not being snarky with my students. Sometimes it just slips.
- When I've had a couple of drinks, I can recite the alphabet backward as quickly as forward, but only when I've had a couple of drinks.
- Before I fell in love with U2, The Police (and Sting) were my favorites. I'm trying not to go on and on and on about seeing Sting in concert.
- One of my high school friends sent me the link about the Sting concert via BookFace and I thought she was joking. (I mean, Sting in Bangor???) Then I immediately got tickets!
- It's really weird to hear adults say, "Cray-cray" when they mean crazy.
- I will get a tattoo this summer. I feel it.
- I was on the local newscast because I attended a city council meeting on Monday. I was voice over visual, in the crowd. Blerg.
- This is the first year I didn't watch American Idol. Since season one.
- Occasionally, I overspend.
- And I have a tough time with impulse control when it comes to gadgets.
- I wrote the final exam for Sociology today.
- I had an insurance check up today. My agent is a hottie.
- I like chatting with my nieces on BookFace almost daily. We keep in touch and stay close.
- I am meeting with my Advanced Placement US History students tomorrow to assign their summer work. This should be interesting.
- I need to get the AP Psychology summer assignment put together. I am running out of time!
- I need to organize my yarn.
- I keep forgetting to send the NetFlix envelope back--I want to get a copy of Wonder Boys to supplement my book group's June selection.
- My Virginia sister and her family invited me to join them for vacation in Washington, DC, this summer. I need to make a decision sometime. Soon. I'd love to go but I'm not sure I can afford it.
- I feel weird when I talk out loud to no one in particular.
I loved you list. I laughed out loud when you said your insurance agent was a 'hottie'!
I really wish i didn't eat after 6pm- it would solve a heap of my problems. You are very interesting and i talk out loud to myself often, yes, it feels weird and I too overspend but not often, thank goodness. i think you have inspired me not to eat after 6pm again- I was doing so well. Lisa x
I love festivals!! I went to a sidewalk chalk art festival once. It was awesome. The participants were all kids ranging from grade school to high school. A mani/pedi sounds wonderful. I usually do that the day after shows. Milk is gross. Heehee, I always loved it when the teachers were snarky. It shows they are human. Go for the tattoo and spray tan. You will be a brand new woman next school year. I overspend too. I wish my agent was a hottie. Haha, I have had a netflix for about 3 or 4 weeks. I also talk to myself. I am a great conversationalist and I usually agree with myself. :)
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