
day 12

Join the June Challenge--this is today's prompt:

Bullet your whole day.

  • Left the house at 6:57
  • Dunkin' Donuts drive thru backed up
  • Arrived at school 7:27
  • Logged on grade book program
  • Sorted first exam handouts
  • 8:20 administered first exam
  • 10:00 administered second exam
  • 11:30 lunch with friends
  • 12:30 back at the classroom, correcting and entering grades
  • 2:00 colleague came in for a visit and we chatted for... about half an hour
  • Corrected more essay exams (what was I thinking giving two essays??)
  • Logged out of grade book program
  • 3:10 left the building
  • Arrived home at 3:35
  • Updated computer (took forever)
  • Downloaded music from Amazon Cloud onto iPod
  • Pajamas on at 5:53
  • Put together present that needs to be mailed tomorrow
  • Chatting with my Virginia niece and sister via BookFace (for a few hours)


Unknown said...

wow, that sounds like a full day and yes, what were you thinking with the 2 essay's ? lol actually I loved doing essays at school xx

The Gal Herself said...

Where did you go for lunch and what's Bookface?

Paula said...

You guys are still in school?? When does it end?

Cristy S said...

I love amazon music. I get better deals through them than I do itunes most of the time. Yay!! Pajamas on before 6, sounds like my kind of fantasy evening. What were you thinking giving two essays??!! I was always that person that got long winded on essays. My college professor called it the Cristy method...lol.