
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The Wish List Meme

26.) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get? grilled cheese or mac'n cheese

27.) Do you speak any other languages? I am fluent in sarcasm

28.) Do you use Twitter? yes

29.) Do you go onto YouTube? often, there are a lot of great educational clips

30.) Do you play Angry Birds? poorly

31.) Do you like theme parties? the two I've been to were a blast

32.) Do you like current cartoons? I don't watch often enough

33.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy? yes

34.) Who would you like to see in concert? U2, Sting (in June!!!!!!!), and Jason Mraz

35.) Can you swim well? I float well

36.) Ever won a contest? I have!

37.) Ever won a giveaway? I have!

38.) Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night? or more

39.) What tea do you like? Constant Comment

40.) What mixed drink do you like? margarita

41.) Do you shop at Walmart? occasionally and only because there are no other options

42.) Do you shop at Target? I wish I could more often

43.) What do you order at your local coffee shop? usually the special

44.) Do you drink bottled or tap water? tap at home, bottled out of home

45.) Do you like homemade meals? when I don't make them

46.) Do you like homemade baked goods? even more so when I don't make them

47.) Do you shop online? a lot

48.) Name 3 stores online stores you would like to shop at: Land's End, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble

49.) What holiday don't you like? uhm... some are too commercialized

50.) What do you eat more when you're sick? I don't like to eat when I'm sick


K Dubs said...

LOVE U2 in concert - they are fabulous. I like your online store choices too, and i TOTALLY forgot about sarcasm. I'm pretty fluent in that myself :)

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Lovely answers, and U2 concert, yippie! I also like to shop Lands End on line. Even Target sometimes.

I am Harriet said...

With your job, I would hope you were fluent in sarcasm. Sometimes, it can be your only defense.

The Gal Herself said...

Yea for getting to see Sting!

Cat. said...

I love the language of sarcasm!! :-) And I'm totally with you on the eating-while-sick question.