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Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of

So, I have a lot of irrational fears. But for this prompt I'm going to focus on a legitimate, real, possible fear: of being incapacitated. I don't want to ever be dependent on the good will of others. It scares me. That's a real fear, not one of my imagined fears.


Cristy S said...

I agree. I never want to be a burden on anyone. I rarely ask for help on anything.

The Gal Herself said...

Our answers are very similar on this one.

Paula said...

It is so hard to have to ask for help of any kind whether you are the one incapacitated or not. Maybe that is why we focus our energy on our irrational fears and bury the real fears deep where we don't have to think about them

Unknown said...

That's so true, and so scary!