
friday 5

1. What was the last play you saw? I saw my friend John Cariani's play Love/Sick last week

2. What kind of experience have you had as a performer in plays? I grew up in a theater family. My first role was Gretel in The Sound Of Music and I continued on until college, when I realized I would much rather produce and direct than be on stage.

3. In general, what kinds of plays most turn you on? good ones

4. There are many movies* where the characters say, “Let’s put on a play,” often as a means for raising funds or bringing attention to some cause. If you and your friends decided to do that, what would be the play, who would be its star, and what role would you play in its production? it would be a musical or something very well known to draw a crowd

5. If I handed you a lump of Play-Doh right now and asked you to sculpt me something, what would it be? a snake, I love rolling Play-Doh

* Babes in Arms and Babes on Broadway, both starring Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney, leap to mind. See them if you already haven’t!

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

Love your shout out for the Mickey Judy musicals. Strike Up the Band is a good one, too. And now I want some Play Doh.