
day 7

I still haven't figured out what my dream job is. I mean, I love teaching but I don't love the politics and economics that go with it. When I reach my students and open them up to a concept or make history come alive, that's when the magic happens. But then there are the petty things outside the classroom that detract from the magical feeling.

What I love about this particular teaching position are my colleagues. I've never had such a professional department relationship with four such completely different people who respect each other as much as in my department. That's why I say I would probably not leave this teaching job for another teaching job. Why mess with this chemistry? On top of that, one of my fellow teachers is a state Teacher of the Year--talk about inspiring working with her. Collaborating with her, having conversations with her about teaching practices and philosophies, inspires me to be a better teacher.

And, thinking deeper about this, I should say I've been given some great opportunities to step out of my comfort zone, professionally. Because I teach two Advanced Placement courses, I've gone to some summer institutes that were the best professional development I've ever had. If I hadn't been nudged into taking these opportunities, I would have missed out on a level of rigor in my teaching. Of course, this year is a toughie since I'm still learning to juggle the new courses, but it's certainly given me the impetus to rethink how I teach all of my classes.

So maybe teaching is my dream job. Maybe this is as good as it gets.


Mrs. Chili said...

I really have to believe that it can always get better.

Paula said...

Teaching is a noble profession. And not always one that people nowadays want to pursue. Good for you for loving it. That is how I feel about nursing (except sometimes the politics get in the way there also)

Unknown said...

It sounds like, even if it isn't as good as it could possibly be, it's still pretty good. Good for you!