
sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The (20) First (Questions) Meme

First Job: babysitter

First Real Job: nanny

First Volunteer Job: shelving books at the public library

First Car: ford Taurus

First Record: The Sesame Street Book & Record from 1970

First Sport Played: kickball

First Concert: Billy Joel's Innocent Man tour

First Country Visited: Canada

First Kiss: with my next door neighbor, Mike

First Speech: I played Gretel in The Sound Of Music when I was five

First Girlfriend/Boyfriend: I think it was fifth grade, a different Mike than the first kiss

First Encounter with a Famous Person: Tom Neilson, he was on the Guiding Light in the 80s.

First Brush With Death: I had pulmonary emboli in June 2006

First House/Flat Owned: it was 20 St. Finbarr Lane in Cork, Ireland

First Film Seen at a Cinema: something live action from Disney

First Media Appearance (Radio, Newspaper, TV): my picture was in promotional material for The Lions Club production of The Sound Of Music

First Hospital Stay: June 2006

First Book You Remember Reading: I don't remember

First Pet: a wiener dog named Figaro J. Junior Maxwell Hyde DeFranco Ladner

First Election You Voted In: an off-year election and the big issue was whether to allow the moose hunt or not


Lisa G said...

Love the dog's name...

The Gal Herself said...

County Cork?! Aren't you just an international Kwizgiver!

I, too, think the dog's name was great.

Gotta go. Or as Gretl would say, "So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye."

Bud Fisher said...

Did you have to yell the entire pet's nasme to get its attention? ;)

I am Harriet said...

We went to Canada for the '67 Olympics and all I can remember is watching I Love Lucy in French. ha ha

katie eggeman said...

How fun to be involved in some theater when you were young.