
ten things tuesday...

Ten things on my mind:

1) This dorm is hot. Even with my fan, I'm uncomfortably warm right now. I hope the humidity breaks and it cools down!

2) I am getting a lot out of my Institute. The people in the class are fun and interesting and willing to share their ideas. No one is dominating the discussions and everyone is taking part.

3) Living in a dorm is difficult. Especially because I'm used to living by myself. Sharing a bathroom and a shower room isn't too bad because it's with my "Hub" neighbors (which means two other people), but getting used to people coming and going and doors opening and closing is not so much fun.

4) The food is very good. Lots of options at every meal. I should eat more salad, although I'm eating a lot of veggies--just not in salad.

5) They offer a happy hour every afternoon/evening. Open bar. You heard me. Too bad I can't really drink. But I'll go socialize.

6) I'm not as intimidated by the content as I was. I think I've got some ideas of how to stay ahead of my students. And reading the For Dummies book was actually helpful!

7) We scored some exams this morning and I was right on with the correct answers. The only one! I think it's because I don't know the content as well and didn't over think what the students had written. Plus, I have experience reading exams and doing common scoring, like this.

8) I'm actually sore, as in lame, from all the walking I'm doing. My thighs and hips are burning! The campus is on a hill so everything is up hill.

9) There was a huge thunderstorm last night. Being right on a lake, we got some awesome thunder! I didn't notice the lightning. There was another huge storm at lunch time, and I narrowly avoided being caught in a torrential downpour.

10) I've got to flesh out my homework answers tonight. We have to present a lesson plan... and where I've not taught the subject, I have to come up with a couple of activities. I'm going to do a Hall of Fame with the important "fathers" of psychology from Chapter 1. And I think I'll explain how I do a word wall for another chapter. I don't know what else to do, these are activities I do with APUSH and they seem like the most likely translations to Psych. But that's for tonight. For now, it's happy hour!

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I love it that the "For Dummies" book helped! And I can just imagine how hard it is to live *with* a lot of people after living alone.