
friday fill-ins

Join the fun here!

1. I am happy that I set myself little goals and I'm accomplishing them!

2. Strawberries and spinach are my favorite summertime fruits and vegetables.

3. To help me ask what you can do--and mean it.

4. De-cluttering is the one thing I want to do this summer more than anything!

5. Just the other day I was saying this weather was dreary, but now it's awesome.

6. Knit and purl over and over again.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the First Friday Art Walk with my bestie, tomorrow my plans include a trip to Houlton for an oil change and Sunday, I want to finish this book!


Diana_CT said...

De-cluttering is a losing battle for me.

The Gal Herself said...

I just bought myself some spinach! Come to think of it is, I crave it in summer, too.