
saturday 9


1. Do you believe people can truly change? I have changed, so yeah, people can

2. Do you think there is anything wrong with being average? no, I don't

3. Do you believe in fairy tale love? yes, I've seen it in action... that doesn't mean the relationship isn't a lot of work

4. Has anyone ever spread something malicious about you? it would have been malicious if I cared

5. Have you ever done something at a party that you've ever regretted? nothing comes to mind

6. How do you go about setting your goals? I work for something I want

7. Do you believe you deserve everything you want? only if I work for it

8. Do you have people in your life you could always count on? absolutely!

9. Did you ever make a close friend from someone that you've dated? not really


The Gal Herself said...

"It would have been malicious if I cared." How I LOVE this answer!

Diana_CT said...

I have to agree with the "Gal Herself", #4 is a great answer.

Bud Fisher said...

I loved the "average" response. A true teacher! ;)