
musing mondays

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• Do you have a reading goal for the year, such as __ books? Why or why not?

I have never set a reading goal. It has never occurred to me. I usually have a slate of books from my reading group and that's usually the extent of my reading challenges.

Maybe this can be a resolution for the New Year.


Lauren said...

Wow, no reading challenges?? I also have reading challenges every year. Especially a certain number of books to read a year. But I guess you ave a boom club which I don't have...

Here's mine: http://bookyaddict.blogspot.ie/2012/06/musing-mondays-2.html

Gigi Ann said...

I really don't set reading goals, it would be to stressful for me. I just read for my own entertainment and enjoyment, but I do keep track of the books I read, because a few years ago I started buying books I had already read.

JC Jones said...

Good way to enjoy reading. Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe I should make this my flexible New Year resolution for 2013 too! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)


Yvonne said...

I wish I didn't set a goal and did it more like you do.

WutheringWillow @ A Paperback Life said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

I don't really have any set goals either but I try to read at least one book a week so the total may go up to 50 books in one year.

Bev Sykes said...

I read 41 last year and would like to double that this year. I have read 39 so far.