
finished reading...

This was the book group selection for June. I can't wait to talk about it with my friends. There were so many creative and neat things and people going on in the book, there will be lots to talk about. I would like to know a bit more about the time travel aspect. I liked that this book centers around "found photos" and that they inspired characters and plot twists. Even on my Nook I could see the pictures, but I also did an image search for them to share with some students. I also gave this book to my niece for her birthday last summer; it's been fun to share the book with her, too.

1 comment:

I {heart} Rhody said...

I started this, but didn't finish before it was due back at the library. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I've requested it again so I can finish it this time... then we can talk about it too!