
saturday 9

That's Why God Made The Radio

1. The Beach Boys are back together (everyone alive, Dennis and Carl have passed, including Brian) for the first time in 25 years. It's their 50th Anniversary tour. Their new single is called, “That's Why God made the Radio”. Did radio play a huge part of your growing up years? Oh, we lived for the radio--we used to record songs from the radio and were rabid listeners to the Top 40.

2. What is something that you are disappointed about right now? the weather--we had a dusting of snow this morning... I'm so over winter

3. What are you really anticipating right now? finishing a knitting project that I want to gift to my sister

4. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie? What is it? City of Angels and I watched it a couple of months ago

5. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be? I wouldn't

6. Who was the last person you hung up on? gah--a political robo call

7. Does it bother you when meme makers separate questions that could've been combined? no

8. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? run is kind of a stretch, but I would look for the giraffes or hippos

9. What is the food you always buy at the grocery store that you can't live without? my beloved Polar diet orange dry soda


Bud Fisher said...

Snow? Holy moly! I awoke to 30 degrees. But it's suppose to hit 60. New England, you gotta love it...

Misty DawnS said...

Snow? UCK!!! My anticipation answer is warmer weather!

The Gal Herself said...

Did you do like Casey Kassem advised? You know -- "keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."

I am Harriet said...

Dusting of snow- no way. It's cool here but, there are 80's in our extended.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

Diana_CT said...

I woke to frost this morning...30 deg. Brrrr...