
musing mondays

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• What do you think are the top 5 books every woman should read?

  1.  Suze Orman's Women & Money
  2. Christiane Northrup's Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom 
  3. Hope Edelman's Motherless Daughters
  4. Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's Half the Sky
  5. Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love
All are significant in my life. I thought it would be hard to come up with a list of books, but now I'm thinking of others that should be on the list.


JC Jones said...

Nice choices. Thanks for visiting.

Unknown said...

Great choices! I love Eat Pray Love :)

wutheringwillow @ A Paperback Life said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

Nice answer.