
just finished reading...

This is not a happy book. That knowledge is the reason I put off reading it as long as I did. It is the April selection for my book group and I'm curious to see what everyone else has to say about it. Once I realized it was written in 1961 it "clicked" for me and I appreciated it a bit more.

None of the characters are sympathetic. None of them were people I could relate to. I didn't think Frank was anything special--he seemed indulgent. April seemed vacuous. The minor characters were too broadly drawn to be believable.

I think it's a book about battle: war within the self, against society's expectations, and within relationships.

I didn't hate it. I didn't love it. I appreciated it.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I never read the book but the movie really struck a chord with me. Not so much Frank (aka Leonardo DiCaprio). In the movie he always seemed like a well-meaning boy playing grown up. But April's desperation really touched a chord with me. And when she found out she was pregnant again, I got a sudden chill and suddenly knew exactly what was going to happen and why. It upset me, how in synch with that disturbed girl I was! Because the movie was so unsettling, I have no interest in picking up the book. And your review here reinforces that. (BTW, Kathy Bates plays the neighbor with the wacky son.)