
ten things tuesday...

Ten things:

1) Spring has arrived in the glorious Great White North. You can hear the snow melting and dripping from roofs, etc. It's in the 60s (and yes, that's record warmth for us!). Tomorrow is supposed to be up to 75! In March! In Northern Maine!

2) I took my niece and travel buddy to lunch on Sunday. We went to Al's Diner. I haven't been to Al's since the ownership changed. I actually had been kind of nervous about going because I was afraid the menu would change. But the menu stayed the same. I ordered my old favorite lunch!

3) I finished my knitting project Friday. It's been hard refraining from buying more yarn to do it again. But, I won't. Knitting group will be here soon enough. And, I think my sister's going to come with!

4) I'm overly prepared for my substitute on Thursday. Everything is overly organized and ready.

5) I made my first pedicure of the season appointment for Thursday. I'm very excited. I love a pedicure!

6) This weekend I ordered a bunch of Nook books. What am I thinking? I've got such a long TBR list, I don't need to keep adding to it!

7) I've been invited to participate in a Social Studies Leaders Community of Practice--a state-wide consortium of social studies teachers who will share their best practices. I wonder if there are others representing Northern Maine?

8) The student teacher is doing a good job. We met with his supervising teacher today. He was kind of a tool and treated me like I don't know anything about anything. I hate being patronized. Grrrr.

9) My students are testing while I'm not here on Thursday and one class is freaking out because they generally ask a ton of clarifying questions. I jokingly said I would Skype with them and it got their hopes up.

10) I think I shall buy myself some flowers.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

#6 made me smile. Why? Well, because of YOU my own TBR just got deeper! I bought an Easter present for my nephew from Amazon and before I placed my order I got the reminder that, if I spent just a wee bit more, my whole order would be eligible for Super Saver Shipping. So what did I do? I ordered the first of the Spellman mysteries I heard about from you. First Miche bags, now the Spellman mystery. Ms Kwiz, your influence reaches beyond the Great White North. PS Glad to hear you still have Al's.