
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The Her Head Is Part Missing Meme

1. What is your most annoying habit? my tendency to hibernate--some people may say I'm in a rut but I like my cozy, comfy rut

2. What habit would you change of your partners? (come on no-one is perfect!) [Editor's note: Not only does it assume you have A partner, but it is written as though you have multiple ones. If you do not currently have a partner or many partners, simply tell us about your last one. BW] my ex is an alcoholic

3. Horrors or Chick Flicks? chick flicks allllll the way

4. What is the most outrageous thing you have done in the back row of the movies? eaten popcorn

5. When have you lied to get a job? never

6. What one thing is on your list to do before you hit 30, 40, 50 or whatever significant birthday is next? I am just starting to make a bucket list and I have nothing major to do before the next significant birthday

7. Classic or modern films and why? oooh, that's a tough question... I suppose I watch more current films but I love classics

8. If you were a vampire who would be the first person you would bite? George Clooney

9. If you had the power to make one thing better, what would it be? I would end political nonsense in the world

10. What makes a great blog? interesting insights

11. What was the inspiration that brought your blog to the blogosphere? I'm a techie wanna-be and thought this would be a way to enter the online world

12. What easily ticks you off (puts you in a bad mood quickly)? bad driving conditions

13. How many children do you have? none of my own

14. Is there anything you have ever regretted writing on your blog? no

15. What’s your favorite blog post you have written this year so far? all of them

16. Do you ever enter other bloggers competitions, and have you ever been lucky? I don't enter blog competitions

17. If you could be anyone else for the day, who would you choose and why? Oprah

18. If you could time travel to any period of history what era would you visit? it would be kinda cool to visit the Reform Era in the 1820s-1850s

19. If you had to be genetically modified, would you rather have a third arm, a third leg, a second head or some other modification??? I would want to be genetically thin

20. Which Disney character can you most relate to? Belle in Beauty & The Beast


The Gal Herself said...

I can see you as Belle. And I'm sorry we'd just miss one another during our time travels. I'm curious about the Reconstruction.

I am Harriet said...

I am married to one of those 'genetically thin' people. It really sucks. :)

Have a great rest of your weekend.

Bud Fisher said...

I was curious (in a brotherly way) about what happened with the ex. You went from "giddy school girl" to "crash & die you bastard" SO quickly. I see alcohol problems for a living. It's very sad and utterly hopeless.

I've seen a doctor buy nips to "calm his hands before the operation". A school bus driver grabbing nips. Had there been children on the bus, I would have called the cops.

People worry about drunk drivers after midnight. The truth is that there are SO many more driving during the day, it;s scary...