
keepin' it fresh!

Not long ago I was browsing through websites and I came across one that really caught my eye and made me wish mine could look like that. I noticed there was a Valentine's post that included a special offer for a blog make-over. And I knew I had to do it! Margi was delightful to work with, inspiring and patient! Heavy on the patient! And I'm thrilled with the results. So, here's to Margi and here's to the new look!


Princess LadyBug said...

Ooooo, VERY snazzy! I like it a lot! :) Congrats on the new look!

Cat. said...


No, really, WOW!! This is a a big change.

I like it. Very clean.

The Gal Herself said...

I kept refreshing and refreshing to see if this really was our Ms. Kwiz, and IT IS! Very nice. George now looks like he's gazing upon your latest post.

I {heart} Rhody said...

Nice! Very clean and pretty. Congrats to you and Margi!