
musing mondays

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How far along are you in your current read before you start thinking about what you’ll read next?

Oh, I usually don't start thinking about what I'll read next until I'm finished reading. I don't know what type of book I want to read or what I'm reading for school. Occasionally, if I discover an author I love, I'll want to read more of their work immediately.


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I plan my reads for the week, but there's always room for change.

Here's MY MUSING MONDAY POST - and here’s

Mona said...

I sort of plan my reads, but there's always room for change.

Here's my answer: http://monasplace.net/?p=1443

The Gal Herself said...

I'm like you, Ms. Kwiz. In fact, trying to choose what's next from my TBR pile causes me some anxiety, which is silly because there really is no "wrong" choice and the books I passed over for now won't evaporate.