
25 fun

Swiped from Cat:

1. If you were trapped in a room with the person who asked this for 24 hours, what would you do? The answer cannot be romantic or sexual. we would talk about books!

2. If you could learn any language instantly, what would it be? French

3. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? oh my... a fat volume of stories or plays

4. Favorite song lyric? today it is: "Today I don't feel like doing anything/I just wanna lay in my bed"

5. Favorite album? Achtung Baby by U2

6. Which time of day would you say is best for you work-wise? morning

7. Favorite city that you’ve visited? Paris

8. Favorite city that you haven’t visited? New York

9. If you could donate $10,000 to charity, what charity would you pick? I would choose a local charity, maybe the local homeless shelter

10. What is one book you wish you could get all your friends to read? Unsaid by Neil Abramson

11. What is one movie you wish you could get all your friends to watch? Beautiful Girls

12. What do you think people assume about you from first glance? I'm pleasant

13. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be? I think I'd like to play guitar

14. What is your favorite item of clothing? I don't have just one favorite

15. Who was your first follower on tumblr? Do they still follow you? a former student, and yes, she still follows me

16. If you could create one thing, what would it be? peace

17. Favorite superhero? Wonder Woman

18. If you were to write an autobiography, what would you title it? I might call it the title of this blog, What If This Is As Good As It Gets?

19. If you were to have a band, what would you call it? it would depend on the style of music

20. What is your favorite card/board game? card game = spite and malice; board game = Balderdash

21. What was the first IM service you used? Who was the first person you talked to on it? it was AIM on AOL and I don't remember who I talked to

22. If you could give a friendly hug to any one person, who would it be? Cannot be your romantic/sexual partner if you have one. someone who is a great hugger

23. Have you ever won any sort of contests? What kind? I won a raffle once and got to select a pie

24. Who was the last person you hugged? Cannot be your romantic/sexual partner if you have one. Sarae

25. If you could be skilled in any one activity, what would it be? Cannot be romantic or sexual. I would be a neat freak... hahaha

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