

Swiped from Cat:

1. Did someone die in that last movie you watched? yes

2. Are the trees pretty colors outside for you now or at all? except for the evergreens, the trees are bare and are not pretty colors

3. Do your parents make/made you weed the garden? no, I used to have to clip the "candles" on the pine tree to prevent it from growing

4. When's the last time you video recorded something on TV? daily

5. How big is your memory chip? uh... huh?

6. What are your views on sunflowers? they're gorgeous

7. What is your favorite incense scent? I don't have one

8. Caramel apples or candy apples? neither... if forced to choose, caramel

9. Have you ever tried one of those blue candy apples? never heard of them

10. Would you ever or do you make your dog wear a bandanna? I would probably dress my dog if I had one

11. Do you find dandelions when they're gone all white pretty? yes

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