

So, Friday night is a big challenge for me: my (boy)friend's company Christmas party. These people have heard all about me, which makes me nervous. And I know relatively nothing about any of them. I don't even know how many people are going to be there or what the dress code is going to be like. But I decided I'm going dressy-casual (which means something if you live in Northern Maine).


Cat. said...

Have fun!! I'll be thinking of you....

Cat. said...

Oh, and just so you know, I've been attending these things off and on for years now; sometimes they are awful and sometimes they are great... This year's wa mostly not-fun, so maybe you'll get the awesome one!

I {heart} Rhody said...

(Boy)friend? That's news! Just go, and decide to have fun.

PS-dressy casual is a thing.

Princess LadyBug said...

First of all, OH EM GEE!!! (Boy)friend?!?! I might need details soon please. :)

Second, you so have this in the bag. They are going to LOVE you. You're fab. I'd love to see pics of the outfit. Please. :D

Have fun & knock 'em dead!!!

Bud Fisher said...

I think you'll knock their socks off. You'll do great, my friend...

Diana_CT said...

Go and have fun. You'll do great!

The Fish said...

SPILL about the friend. :D

Mrs. Chili said...

"I'm going dressy-casual (which means something if you live in Northern Maine)."

Oh, my god, but I love you. With a sense of humor like you have, you're going to be just fine...

The Gal Herself said...

"Dressy casual" means wearing a cardigan or a jacket, right?

This is so exciting. And I'm encouraged because you illustrated this post with mistletoe!