Ten things about parent/teacher conferences:
1) I rarely get to see the parents of the at-risk students. Those students who need just a bit more encouragement and support from home.
2) It's nice to meet the parents of students who are doing well, to let them know their students' strengths.
3) Being diplomatic in nature, when I do meet with the challenging students' parents, I am able to say what I need to say.
4) It can be a delicate proposition to explain that "junior" isn't as attentive as s/he could be. Although, most parents of sixteen year-olds already know this.
5) What is fun, is telling a parent about how their child has blossomed and grown during the course of the year. I got to tell parents that last night and their son was with them, we got to have a conversation about it. He feels comfortable in my class and speaks right up. I guess last year he didn't ever talk to anyone or participate.
6) When I'm busy with conferences, I'm busy busy.
7) When I'm not busy... I'm not busy but can't do the intensive things I need to do. It's tough to be in the middle of grading essays when continually interrupted.
8) It's weird to have more conferences than anyone else. But to take less time than the English teachers.
9) I'm glad I had the classes fill out a strengths/weaknesses sheet yesterday. It's a great way to introduce parents to what their child is thinking about their performance in class.
10) I'm glad we have conferences just once a year.
Oooh... Can I take a peek at your strengths/weaknesses sheet? I'd love to try something like that for our next round of conferences.
1) I rarely get to see the parents of the at-risk students. Those students who need just a bit more encouragement and support from home.
That is probably one of the reasons that they are at risk.
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