
ten things tuesday...

Ten random things I'm thinking about:

1) My period 6 class was really horrible for the substitute yesterday. I hate that. Talk about taking advantage.

2) A lot of kids told me they missed me. That makes me happy.

3) I have finally broken in this pair of Clarks shoes. It's only taken two years. Granted, I don't wear them all that often but now that they are comfortable I will wear them more often.

4) I need someone to cook for me. Seriously. The past few times I've gone out to eat have been divine.

5) So sleepy last night that I went to bed at 7, asleep by 8! Egads! I forgot to set my alarm but I woke up at my regular time so all was good.

6) I voted today. Nothing too interesting on the docket.


8. I think I'm going to download a couple of albums.

9. I hate waiting for the phone to ring, yet here I sit, waiting.

10. A massage would be nice.

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