
ten things tuesday...

Ten random things:

1) Annual observation day was yesterday. I had no warning and it is the class that is packed with the most difficult kids.

2) Tomorrow we have a Holocaust survivor speaking. The students are excited to hear him. So am I. I've explained to them that they are the last generation to be able to experience their stories first hand. It makes me sad. It makes me feel old.

3) I have a new neighbor (again). She is very nice and quiet, so far.

4) I have been unusually hungry all day today. What's up with that? I'm too old for a growth spurt.

5) Any iPad app suggestions? I have Scrabble and Angry Birds and I don't need anymore games.

6) I actually have a couple of things on my social agenda this week. An after-school gathering on Thursday and a play Thursday night. And I've taken Friday off as a personal day so I can lounge around and have a nice day.

7) My sister (the recent birthday girl) asked me to tend her Farmville Farm during lent. I didn't realize how pressured I'd feel.

8) Speaking of Lent, I'm doing quite well with the "no shopping" pledge. But it is a challenge.

9) I really don't like it when students friend request me on Facebook.

10) I woke up with a headache. It's still sort of there.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

Ew! I don't think I'd like being "friended" by students either. I like life being neatly compartmentalized.