
saturday 9

Monday, Monday

1. How does your day usually go on Monday? well... I guess they typically go well. I mean, I spend a bunch of time getting the day organized and whatnot

2. Who was the last band you saw live? I don't even remember

3. When was the last time you purchased something over $50? Thursday, I bought a computer

4. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? it depends on the context... generally, no, it doesn't

5. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? not so much

6. Tell us about the last wedding that you attended. my friend Angela's, it was small, simple and beautiful--so full of love

7. What's annoying you right now? can't think of anything

8. What is your best skill/ability? Why? I'm a good listener

9. If someone asked a friend of yours, "Hey, what is one thing your friend is exceptional at?", what would they say about you? Why? hahaha... I really don't know


The Gal Herself said...

Angela's wedding sounds lovely ...

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Thanks for the kind words. I'm returning to work Monday. It's good to be home. But I miss those pain meds! ;) We were off to the Berkshires today to have a real maple syrup breakfast at a farm in Hancock, Mass.It was great to be out and about...

DJ KathyA said...

You sound so contented, I am envious of that. A new computer? Laptop or regla? They don't cost as much as they used to thank goodness. : ) Have a great weekend!