

Had a great therapy session today. Lately I've been feeling somewhat overwhelmed and have been sleeping (or wanting to sleep) a lot. For me, these are signs of depression. I've been coaching myself through it. And have been validated. My therapist scared me by telling me that she is leaving the organization she is currently with--just as my jaw fell open, she reassured me that she is opening her own practice with some colleagues. I accidentally overpaid today so we scheduled another appointment and what was really cool was that she asked me to be her final appointment. And we've already made plans for me to continue seeing her at her new location.

I'm still processing from the session. It was a good one.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

Oh, this is good news. It would so suck if you had to go out looking for a new doctor, esp after you felt you'd accomplished so much w/this one!