
ten things tuesday

Ten things running around my mind:

1) It's exam week. Whoopdeedoo. We're trying a new exam schedule and it's only so-so.

2) Sometime soon I have to schedule my yearly observation. It's such an artificial process. I wish they would listen to how we might change it.

3) I've had a vague headache all day. I hate the feeling of sort-of-pain.

4) I forgot to set my dvr for Harry's Law. Hopefully I can watch it online. It should be up by now.

5) It's not particularly warm in here. School wasn't particularly warm, either. Time for woolly socks.

6) I need to scour the e-library to fill up my list instead of buying so many books. Now that I've done it a couple of times I know how easy it is and want more. Plus, the price is right!

7) Because of testing and this wacky schedule, I haven't been able to chit chat with my favorite students. I kind of miss them.

8) Is it really only Tuesday?

9) I'm feeling a bit nibbly. I need something sweet. Maybe some applesauce will hit the spot.

10) This ridiculous song is stuck in my head:


Charlene said...

Oh, thanks for reminding me. I fell asleep during Harry's Law this week. I'll look for it onlien! I really like the show.

Charlene said...

Oh, thanks for reminding me. I fell asleep during Harry's Law this week. I'll look for it onlien! I really like the show.