
new year's meme

I did this a year ago and thought I would try it again.

In 2010, I gained: creativity in the classroom again.

I lost: my after school obligations.

I stopped: fretting. Well the daily fretting has stopped.

I started: enjoying a daily glass of orange soda.

I was hugely satisfied by: by my decluttering start (even though I have a long way to go).

And frustrated by: my inability to find motivation for exercise.

I am so embarrassed that I: got caught up in the drama.

Once again, I: got called into the principal's office.

Once again, I did not: meet Mr. Right.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: better-fitting bras.

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: my ability to separate personal from professional.

I loved spending time: chatting online with my sisters and nieces & nephews.

Why did I spend even two minutes: watching Jersey Shore.

I should have spent more time: reading.

I regret buying: a couple pairs of pants without trying them on.

I will never regret buying my Nook, Myles even though with that money I could have extended my trip.

I nap way too much.

I didn’t reach out to my friends enough.

Contract negotiations drove me crazy.

The most relaxing place I went was taking long drives by myself.

Why did I go to places that make me feel self-conscious to be by myself.

The best thing I did for someone else was pay it forward.

The best thing I did for myself was travel alone.

The best thing someone did for me pay attention and listen.

The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, is getting materials prepared for teaching A.P. US History


Terry Elisabeth said...

Oooh I love that ! I am going to try it.
You are always the first to Mingle on my blog. Thank you !

Cat. said...

Yeah for better bras!!

I swiped this at the usual spot...