

To say I loved it is a grave understatement. The rest of the audience did, too.

People who are gifted fascinate me. I can look at them as the person and as the gift. I am fascinated that this guy I know has the uncanny ability to capture life with his words.

Here's what Adrian said about it:
Nat Paradis is stuck in a rut as the manager of LAST GAS, a convenience store in northern Maine that sits on the edge of what's wild and what's not. When an old flame returns to town, Nat gets another chance, but faces a choice between the possibilities of new love and old in this bittersweet, romantic comedy that looks at love lost... and found... and the curve balls life throws us.

I just can't rave enough. He captured the cadence of Northern Maine speaking and the actors had it down. The characters were real people I know, not just characters. I laughed, I sucked in breath at tense times... I gasped with the unexpected twists. It was fantastic. Just what theater should be.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I'm going to remember this title and playwright. I want to see this show.