
saturday 9


1. Does anything about Halloween “spook” you? nope

2. What is the favorite costume you have ever worn for Halloween? a complete nun's habit

3. What is your favorite thing about Halloween? the candy

4. What one topic is (or was) the most painful to discuss with your parents? Why? I have a hard time talking finances, especially if I'm having a hard time... because it's embarrassing and they feel almost obligated to help me out

5. What was the happiest day of your life? Do you think you'll ever top it? I've had several happiest days, they happen regularly

6. What animal would you like to be able to communicate with? dogs

7. In what way do you come nearest to perfection (as you define it)? sloth

8. Do you have any recurring nightmares? I used to but I haven't had it in years

9. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be and why? I wouldn't be who I am today if something changed... although, getting more academic praise would have been nice

1 comment:

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Happy Saturday! I would have loved to see your "complete nun's habit". That is a riot... :)