
ten things tuesday...

Ten things about anxiety & me:

1) When I get anxious I perspire profusely.

2) When I get anxious I can't sit or stand still.

3) When I get anxious all I can think about is making an escape.

4) When I get anxious my clothes feel heavy against my skin. Even if I'm wearing my most comfy clothes.

5) When I get anxious going for a drive calms me down.

6) When I get anxious I want to be by myself.

7) When I get anxious I get even more anxious that the anxiousness won't go away.

8) When I get anxious I have no sense of humor.

9) When I get anxious my OCD rears its ugly head as I fight the urge to control the situation.

10) When I get anxious I love the calm after the storm. The feeling of mellow that leaves me in a puddle is delicious.


The Gal Herself said...

I think it's great that getting behind the wheel and hitting the road helps. It must be comforting to know that you have a reliable escape hatch when things get a bit too anxious.

Charlene said...

I can't remember when I was last anxious. I live a boring life, I know!