
longest day...

For the longest day of sunshine I sure squeezed all the fun out of it. What a great day! Starting with family coffee at 8, a great therapy session at 11, delicious lunch with the family, followed by a walk to the park and on the trails with my nieces, then back to Dad's to make lasagna and hang out some more and a fantastic family meal. With all the laughter and conversation overlapping and rippling all around--there is no more fun in the day!

Happy Solstice!


The Gal Herself said...

No wonder your emoticon is "bubbly," as it sounds like a great day. Especially glad to hear about your trip to visit dad. Between the laughter and the lasagna, he must have had a good day, too.

Unknown said...

Happy belated solstice to you! Sounds like it was the perfect first day of summer. Love the image you used in your post.