
idol chatter...

Part of me says this is a true what the heck moment... what the heck was this show? Could there have been a more random collection of artists? Where was the relevance? Anyhoodle... I'm very, very pleased that Lee won. I love Crystal but love Lee just a bit more. Less than 2% separated them.

My favorite part was the return of the Idols. All of them (except David Cook) were there!


The Gal Herself said...

If all I saw was last night's finals, I'd be all Crystal. But Lee was ... well, so LEE all season and I especially enjoyed him during Sinatra week. So I'm glad he won.

Sigh. Another Idol is crowned, another season comes to an end. Farewell, Simon!

Bud Fisher said...

Here is something interesting. I thought it was all about Lee. And yet yesterday I downloaded both Lee's and Crystal's songs. I realized that if it were a radio show, Crystal would have won big. Lee just was more likable. And no slouch either...