
idol chatter...

Ok, so two of my favorite things: Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah and Lee DeWyze. I'll try to find a video of it later because O.M.G. that was amazing.

Lee owned the night. I don't even care who else is in the finale. Ok, that's not quite true. Casey just isn't the same caliber as Crystal and Lee. Crystal should have ditched the harmonica, it was not necessary in Come To My Window.


The Gal Herself said...

To borrow a phrase, Lee was "As Good As It Gets," wasn't he? I'm so proud of my homeboy.

I barely remember Crystal or Casey.

Bud Fisher said...

Lee is going to be a great artist. crystal is very good, too. Casey is there, why? I really have no idea. But he exits tonight for sure... :)