
idol chatter...

Sinatra night on Idol with mentor-deliciousness in the form of Harry Connick, Jr. Harry was charming. He was funny. He was cool. And he worked out some great arrangements. Tonight, Aaron fell short. I think it's youth and inexperience--that he just was too young for Sinatra's swagger. Casey was just okay. Mike was actually pretty good, not too smarmy. Crystal was better than Mike but not great. Great belongs to Lee. Once again, I really liked Lee. I even voted.


Bud Fisher said...

I think Lee did win it tonight. I think it's Lee & Mike, but Lee the winner...

The Gal Herself said...

I am so into Lee! Mike and Casey both annoy me -- I can't put my finger on why exactly, but they both make me feel a little skin-crawly. So my guess is that the final two will be Crystal and Lee.

The Gal Herself said...

P.S. I acted on your suggestion and put a Gal Quiz up on my blog.