
ten things tuesday...

Ten things:

1) This has been a strange week. Already. It's only Tuesday. Yesterday and today notifications have been given for "involuntary transfers" within the school district. Some very unhappy people at my school today.

2) Another casualty is the Civil Rights Team. I am sad. I've devoted nine years working to create a safe learning environment at school just to have the rug pulled out from under me. We have a highly-respected team, well-known around the State.

3) Shania Twain night on American Idol. Uhmmmmm...

4) I'm struggling with the current book group book: Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children. Just not my cuppa.

5) I lied when I said I am sad. I'm devastated. How can they do away with an organization whose purpose is to celebrate diversity?

6) Next school year I'll be teaching all sophomores again. According to the numbers, I'll be teaching two divisions of AP. It's going to be a big adventure.

7) A former student, and Civil Rights Team member, stopped by to visit at school today. He's shipping out to Japan for a three-year Navy stint. It was good to visit with him before he heads out.

8) I have eaten a bag (a small bag, but a bag nonetheless) of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It was delish.

9) One of my favorite things about Facebook is chatting with my nieces. We visit almost every day.

10) I'm still processing this bizarre week. #s 1, 2 and 5 have me spinning.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news! It's devastating to devote so much of yourself to improving the world, and to feel as though the world has rebuked you. I'm not being dramatic -- I'm being sincere. Your words remind me of the year I spent donating money, time and spirit to John Kerry's 04 campaign. It literally broke my heart. After 9 years, I can only imagine how hard this is for you. Hang in there. We need more teachers like you.