I touched a cat this morning. For those who know me, this was, indeed, a very big thing. The cat was lurking outside the entry and tried to sneak in past me as I was leaving. It was when I came back, loaded with groceries, that the cat snuck in. Then it sat on the stairs and stared at me while I checked the mailbox. When I put my purse on the floor it walked to the purse and started sniffing it. I picked up the cat and gently put it outside the door. Stressing the gently part, folks. I didn't throw it.
I touched a cat.
Couldn't wash my hands fast enough. But I touched a cat.
I assume you're allergic? I touch them all day, LOL!
I'm getting a sense that this isn't precisely an allergy.
I'm terrifically allergic to cats, but I think they are very amusing little critters. When they aren't being totally neurotic. ;-)
Woops, more to the point: CONGRATS. Way to not freak it or yourself out!
Congratulations. I know this was a big step for you.
That was nice of you! Are you afraid of them?
I'm terrified of cats.
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